| Event: | Discover Outdoor Connecticut Day | Date: | September 15th, 2019.
| Time: | 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM | We'll be participating in DEEP CT Discovery Day! Come visit us at Hammonasset Beach State Park (Meigs Point Area), Madison. Parking will be on-site. This FREE fun-filled event explores Connecticut's fish and wildlife resources and legacy of outdoor traditions, with live animals, demonstrations, fish casting, fly tying, archery, kid's activities, outdoor skills, a photo contest, and more. Bring a picnic lunch (concessionaire also on site) and stay for a few hours or the whole day! Discover Outdoor Connecticut Photo Contest: Enter your favorite wildlife, scenery, and outdoor Connecticut photos in our annual contest! All entries will be on display in the Meigs Point Nature Center during Discover Outdoor Connecticut Day. Entry deadline is August 16, 2019. (more details; official entry form PDF) https://www.ct.gov/deep/cwp/view.asp?a=2723&q=462388&deepNav_GID=1655