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Windsor School Programs About Lyme Disease Prevention

Over the last year VALD has focused on visiting the Windsor Schools to meet with students in specific grades to provide awareness, education and prevention programs. What we have learned is our children are very interested, curious and aware of the CT tick environment. Most of these children have seen ticks and many have family members or friends dealing with Lyme Disease. Many of these students have talked with the adults in their households and brought material on tick awareness home to them. They have helped to show the importance of understanding where the ticks are and how they can prevent being bitten. VALD had a poster contest for all 3rd graders to draw the most creative and informational posters regarding ticks and Lyme Disease. These posters were awesome. JFK, Clover and St Gabe's schools received awards and new educational material for the school libraries and media rooms. The Windsor Public Library were also given more up to date books on the subject. In addition the student winners of the poster contest received gift cards! We hope to continue this program in 2020 and to reach out to other towns in the area.
Here are just a few of the posters created in Windsor:

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