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Joanne Griffin

Joanne Griffin
When I was approached by our President, Bonnie Waterhouse, about the idea of starting a non-profit to help the public to become more aware and educated about Lyme Disease I jumped at the opportunity. I was eager to become involved with VALD-CT as I have been battling Lyme Disease for over 5 years and wanted to do something pro-active to help other Lyme sufferers and their families. As a Windsor, CT native, I grew up in the area and attended the University of Connecticut and then received a B.A. from ST. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada. I went on to obtain my teacher’s certification and M.S. in School Counseling from Central Connecticut State University. For the last 15 years I have been employed by the Manchester Board of Education as a school counselor. I am married with four children and presently reside in East Granby, CT.

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